
Hunting & Gathering

God I love Mardi Gras. Normally, Im over it before it even starts, but this year is different. I dont know why, maybe its just my attitude towards it all.
My Mardi Gras weekend started at 12 on Friday when Lindsay & I met for a pedicure. Between getting my hair done & pregaming at the hotel, my night didnt slow down at all before the parade & ball. Heres a video of Justin parading!

Right after parade, Chris showed up, we got dressed & went to to watch call outs. This is when the real fun began. Here we are before the ball (and before any drinks.)
As soon as we got seated, here comes Justin, drunk as a mother fucker, running up into the stands. He was screaming and carrying on, grabbing boobs & butts wherever he could. To me, it was hilarious, to the people around us, he was crazy.
After call outs, we were ready to get the party started... well, after we hit the bathroom. Lindsay & I gave Chris & Pat specific instructions to STAY PUT while we peed. Of course, this directions were obviously too complex for their simple, alcohol saturated brains. Linds & I came back literally 3 minutes later, and the boys were gone. We spend half an hour wandering up and down the hall, and through the rooms to find them, but they were nowhere to be found. But just when we had almost given up, there they were, back where we had left them.
I freaked out a little. I wanted to know where the hell they had been, even though it was pretty obvious, because at that point, they had plates full of food. Chris said "We were, umm, Hunting some food." Aggravated & tipsy I replied "WHAT the fuck ever, You were GATHERING food." The boys didnt take kindly to being called gatherers... their logic was that you could not gather meat... Well, I beg to differ, but its all good.
After we finally rounded up our men, we spent a few hours just hanging out & daning a little. We got to hang out with some great friends- Eddie, Karleen, Sean, Misty, & we ran into a few other people we knew too.
Me & Misty
The Girls
The Guys

The later it got, the more drinks we had, the more silly our pictures got.
Also, as I drank, my eyes got smaller & mouth got bigger. haha

& As much fun as I had with my friends. & as excited I was that Chris actually danced with me. The highlght of my night was playing with the feather hats & getting to put one on. I was so happy I knew Jeff & Kim Lawson.

When people started heading out, and the numbers started thinning, Lindsay, Pat, Chris & I headed to Boo's after the ball. Chris & I didnt even stay long enough to get a drink beforewe were ready to call it a night.

The next morning Chris, Justin, Alisa, Lindsay, Pat & I went to breakfast at Spot of Tea. It was delicious as always.
The rest of the day flew by way too fast. We finally got home, got showers & a nap, and by that time it was already close to 4. We had to return Chris' tux, and do a quick clean sweep & trip to the grocery store.
Around 7 we had Lindsay, Justin, Alisa, Mike & Paulie over to watch the UFC fights. We had a nice time just being able to hang out and unwind from a nice weekend.

Today Im going to write my religion paper from my Marriage & Family class & then Im just going to hang out around the house, got to get ready to do it all again next weekend!


Peanut Shells

Everybody has something weird about them. In my case, there are several quirky things. For example, when I get really excited I tend to gallop instead of walk or run. If you ever find me tipsy, ask me to demonstrate, I promise it's funny. (Please dont do this to me at Mardi Gras. If Im drunk, Ill probably do it, and I will embarrass myself.)
Another weird fact- I love roasted peanut shells. I really dont care about the peanuts inside, even though I eat them, but Id rather eat the shells. Yes, I said it. I like to eat peanut shells (and sunflower seed shells.) But only if theyre salted.  Its like a snack of pure salty deliciousness.
So today while eating lunch, I convinced Chris to try a peanut shell. HA. Yall should have seen him. He just looked at me with this look of disgust on his face. He described it as chewy, and fibrous. He also said he would be "pulling [that] shit out of his teeth all day". What can I say, I love it. Dont judge me!!

On another note, my sweet baby boy is sick. Ever since he was a baby puppy, he has has problems with his trachea. When he gets really excited, his trachea collapses and he has trouble breathing. I took him to the vet, and they said not to worry about it. But last night, Mobley woke up 5 or 6 times with his trachea collapsing. Once, it happened for over a minute. I was so scared, I was ready to take him to the vet hospital. I would absolutely DIE if something happened to my baby.
I called the vet this morning, and luckily, I can give him some special syrup & it should help. I love that little man more than anything in the whole world... except for maybe Chris... I dont know, its probably a tie.

& TOMORROW IS THE INCA PARADE & BALL!!! I can hardly wait till tomorrow. Im going to get a pedicure with Lindsay tomorrow at 12, then get my hair done. After that, Im heading down town to hang out with Alisa until Chris gets out of class. Then itll be time for the ball!!!

Cant wait to see my friends there! Ill post some pictures & stories about the ball later this weekend!


& The Living's Easy

Okay, so I know it's not summer time, but I LOVE this beautiful weather. It is so perfect outside. The sun is shining, its about 70 degrees, life is good in lower Alabama today.

Along with beautiful weather, I had another great weekend. Saturday day was spent mostly on working on school work.
[I realize I was just bragging about how I had this phenomenal weekend, but let me digress for one minute and RANT about my damn online class *Warning, I say (fuck) like 10 times here...sorry*
I thought I was signing up for an easy online class. Sign in once a week, read some shit and take a quiz. Maybe write one paper. No. Fuck no. I have to log on like every fucking day to participate in some dumb forum-style discussion about Marriage & family issues. On top of this we have to answer 6 questions each week. Which doesnt seem all that hard, except it is. It takes me easily 3 hours to answer these questions. We have to be insanely specific, but she wont grade anything over 3 pages. Anyway, normally when I do this, I am satisfied when I get a decent grade. However, this week, my crazy bitch professor took off 7.5 points out of 10, because I said I dont feel sorry for poor people who use check cashing places, but dont utilize a bank account. REALLY?  Her comment was that "some people dont know about banks." Where the FUCK did they think their check came from? The magic check fairy? I dont buy that bullshit. She also told my I need to work on my sociological thinking. NO. Here is the problem. I actually thought about it and gave my opinion rather than spitting back the garbage she gave us to read.... UGH. I hate my online class...]

Back to my amazing weekend. After my school work, Lindsay and I went to Paint Party Studios & had so much fun! I cant wait to go back! I painted some love birds (so sweet) & Lindsay painted a really cute Mardi Gras painting. Enjoy a few pictures :)

After Paint Party, we went to Bonefish for a glass of wine & some dinner.

Sunday was also a pretty great day. When Chris got home, we got dressed and went down to his dads house to help build a shed. Well, Chris helped build a shed. I mostly tried to stay out of the way.
When we were finished (or tired of) shed building we left and went to the Rec Center & played on the Rock Wall. We also got to meet a few people going on our climbing trip too. I am SO excited. This is where we are going...
                                  This is Cherokee Rock Village, where we are going for our Hiking Day

                                This is Little River Canyon, where we are going on our last day.

I am so excited! I cant wait to go. After our little Rock Wall adventure, we played some racquetball, then headed home to get dressed for Jeff Eardly's birthday party at Bluegill.

Bluegill was pretty good. I mostly just enjoyed spending time with Chris. We didnt stay too long because, of course, I had to come home to finish my online class assignment that was due at midnight last night. Luckily, Chris helped me get it finished. Now Im just hoping for a good grade on it, so I dont have to go crazy again next weekend.
Scratch that, next weekend is going to be so amazing that I am not going to let anything bother me. INCA is in 4 days! 4 days!!!! Im pretty excited. :)
Have a good Monday everybody!


Bring Your Own Sunshine

"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."  ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

A few months ago, Chris brought it to my attention that I was being so negative that it was difficult to be around me. At the time my feelings were obviously hurt. I cried. I didnt think I was 'that' person; I didnt want to be that person. But after a painful look in the mirror, I realized that he was right. Sometimes, I do dwell on negative things. Sometimes its just a rant that I need to get off my chest, but often times it was more than that. This morning though, while I was laying in bed with my beautiful family I realized that I've changed. Over the last few months, I've made a concious effort to be more positive. Over the last week or so though, its come as second nature. I didnt have to try. I just found myself being in a better mood, enjoying my life more and talking/thinking happier things.
I wanted to share this because I think everyone could use a little reminder that sometimes you just have to look at the good in your life. The grass isnt always greener on the other side. Life is good. :)

With that being said, Chris and I had the most wonderful day yesterday. He is so good to me. 2 days ago I lost our controller...  he bet me he could find it in under 5 minutes. (I had already looked under the couch, in the office, in the spare bedrooms, in both bathrooms, in the pantry, in the trash can, in the dryer, and in the fridge and freezer...) Of course, he found it in under 20 seconds... it was in the couch.... I just had to laugh.

Around 3, Chris and I hit fuego for a margarita & some guac. I LOVE Fuego. Its AMAZING. Their Watermelon Cucumber Margarita is the best thing ever. I am developing a plan to have these served as a specialty drink at our wedding. Im thinking if I offer to pay the bartender there a couple hunderd dollars, plus tips, surely she will bartend our wedding (and keep my margarita glass full!)

After Fuego, we took our time getting home. We cuddled up on the couch and watched "Life As We Know It." About 45 minutes into the movie, I noticed Mobley wasnt on the couch anymore, and he wasnt anywhere in sight. I was worried that he may have been eating my shoes and Chris says "No, I threw my jeans over your shoes so he couldnt get to them." We watched the movie for about another 30 seconds before Chris paused it and said he was going ot check on Mobs.  Thank GOD he did! Mobley had pulled Chris' wallet out of his jeans, opened it up and started eating the contents. When we saw it, we just laughed. I know it wasnt that funny, and we shouldnt encourage him, but what else could we do? Cry? Luckily he didnt eat the money in his wallet (that I wasnt supposed to know about, he was putting extra up for a ring. He is so sweet!) But when we caught him, he had Kim & John's check for MOT Tickets in his mouth. Thankfully, we got it before he shredded it;  That would have been the second time I ruined their check. No real damage was done, except that he shredded the little paper in Chris' wallet that had the Ring # and my ring size written down on it. Ha, Like I said, sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Though I dont think today will be quite as exciting as yesterday, Im making the best of it. Today is "Bring Mobley to Work Day." & Those are always good days. I love the way he sleeps on my desk. He really is a good dog, even though he likes to shred paper...

I hope everybody has an amazing weekend. ONE MORE WEEK TILL INCA! & Remember to bring your own sunshine this week! 


Preparing for Pardi Gras!

OhMyGod, Mardi Gras is so freakin close & I dont think its possible for me to be more excited. Inca is 9 DAYS AWAY! I feel like I have so much to do before then, like, hmm, get my dress altered maybe... Nothing like waiting untill the last minute... Oh well.
& as excited as I am about Inca, I am more excited about MOTs. Well, let me rephrase, I am MOST excited about seeing family & friends that I havent seen in a while, and seeing them all in once place and one time.
Lets run through the list, starting with Chris's family.
Debbie- We last saw Debbie over the summer when she brough her family here to visit, but I havent seen her husband, John, in probably 2 years. I am really excited about seeing her son Drew, and daughter Rachel. Drew keeps me laughing the entire time Im around him. (They are traveling from Indiana)
Ginger- I think the last time we saw Ginger is when Debbie was in town. Ginger is coming from Laurel, MS with her daughter Sarrah, & hopefully Summer. Tarriq is coming down from Wabash College with Deb & fam.
Eric- Eric, Pam, Ericka, & Jack are coming from Seattle. We havent seen them since last Mardi Gras!
Rob- I am really hoping Rob can bring his whole crew here for Mardi Gras! Even though we did get to see them last August, I cant wait to see Liz, Bella, Josie, Ethan, & Ashley very very soon! (They are traveling from London!)
Claude- We got to see Claude, Wanda, CJ, Jack & Ashley at Christmas, but Im still looking forward to seeing them again. We dont see them nearly enough, even though they live so close to Mobile.
Mike- I have only seen Mike once since New Years, which is extremely unusal. But I know life is busy & hope he is enjoying his new job

This will be my 4th Mardi Gras with the Newmans, and I this is the first time everyone is going to be able to be in Mobile at one time. I cant tell you how excited I am. I love this family so much, and cant wait to call myself a part of their family.

But more than just family coming in to town, my best best girl friend, Suzanne is coming in for the MOT ball. I cant wait to see her and to see what kind of trouble we can start up :)

In case you havent kept up with my list here is all the people that we will be partying our asses off with this Mardi Gras @ the Ball, Debbie & John, Ginger, Mike, Rob & Liz, Eric & Pam, Claude & Wanda, Fred & Gayle, my parents, Kim & Danielle, Danielle & Joey, Suzanne & Drew, Lindsay & Judson, Alisa & Justin, Karleen & Eddie, Monica & Bogdan, & Shannon. Plus the thousands of others that are going to be there!

So in order to get ready for Mardi Gras, Ive been hitting the gym, and tanning. Well this morning when I went tanning, I used my 'upgrade' for the month. I though I was a bad ass and could use my super tanning lotion and tough out 12 minutes in the platinum bed... NOPE. I burned my ass... It literally hurts to sit. Somebody better notice that I got a tan. :)

As much as we've done to get ready for Mardi Gras, it feels like we have so much more to do, mainly buy throws. & Puchase & Distribute tickets. But life is good, Im not gonna worry, it'll all get done.

Plus I am SO thankful for my flexible job that is allowing me to take time off while we have friends and family here so we can all spend time together.

On To Something New
 I didnt intend for this whole post to be about Mardi Gras, but, what can I say, Im exited! I almost feel like I should make a new post, but that would require too much effort...

Anyway! Our Valentines Day was amazing!! When I left the house Monday morning I left Chris a card, his present (a shoehorn; dont ask. he asked for it...) & set the coffee to come on when he was supposed to be home. He came and picked me up from work and took me to get a light lunch at the Jerusalem Cafe. Before I got off work, he showed back up to sign his tax return, and apparently while he was there he left me a card & flowers in my car for me to find when I got off work.
When I got home we spent the day being lazy, and playing with Mobley. Then we went to Pure for dinner & holy shit it was so good! We split a tuna appitizer that was to die for. Then he had corn chowder & I had gumbo, we both ate salads, then for out entree he had pork chops & I had chicken & goat cheese. & for dessert we had bread pudding & creme brulee. (They were having a 5 course meal special, we dont normally eat like that, haha) After dinner we went home & crashed. It was a very nice Valentines Day. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life.

Yesterday was uneventful, as Im sure today will be. I do have to go to the dentist though, yuck. Wish me luck.


Love Story

Chris, Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the whole world. There are not enough words to express how much I love you, so if a pictures worth a thousand words, this will have to do. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of us over the years. I love you with all of my heart. I cant wait to celebrate us and our love tonight at dinner!


Frontroll to Failure

For those of you that dont know my brother, Josh, he is an AMAZING wakeboarder. He was number 1 in Alabama in his division and went to Nationals last year. He's good. But occasionaly, he takes a fall. Since this one was particularly bad, i thought I'd share.

 Heres the video. & Here is the after math...

When I asked him how he felt he said  "its like a trampoline from all the fluid so im kinda just poking it softly"
Luckily, Josh thinks battle scars are cool. In fact, he was especially excited about getting dinner in bed. I bet my mom wishes the orthopedist offered frequent flyer miles...

Update: Apparently, even though they dont offer frequent flyer miles, my family has been able to make some connections with Orthopedist. Somehow my mom got a doctor to agree to meet them at the emergency room tonight, after the doctor "finished his movie." But, thats a whole hell of a lot better than waiting to go in the morning, or spending all night in the waiting room. Ill let everybody know when the find out how bad it is.

Update: Well, Josh hurt his NCL, but with time it will heal on his own. They are waiting to find out if he hurt his ACL, but he will have to wait 7-10 days to have the MRI because the swelling is so bad. If he did hurt his ACL, he will have to have surgery, so cross your fingers he didnt tear it. For right now, he is in a leg brace, and on crutches. I know the next week or so is going to be hard on him. Josh hates sitting still, but I know hes got to be in pain. When I talked to him this morning he was laying in bed watching Dora the Explorer, because he couldnt reach the controller, and it hurt too bad to move.

With A Little Help From My Friends

It's been an amazing weekend so far. Im not ready for it to end.

Friday, I was able to take off work and spend the morning with Chris before he had class from 1-9. When he left I spent the day cleaning, napping, and getting ready for Justin, Alisa, Lindsay, Liz & Chris to come over for dinner & game night. Luckily, Chris' instructor loves me and let Chris leave class at 7 so he could be home to eat with us. It was a really nice night with friends. I love that we can just hang out, have dinner and enjoy each others company.

Saturday was a good day too, even though it went by way too fast! I did get to go see Steph & her sweet baby Sophie. I cant believe shes already 13 days old. She is SUCH a pretty baby, though. & So good too!
After I left Stephanies,  I went to dinner with Eddie, Karleen, Lindsay & Shannon. We had a nice time & a good dinner at Shogun. -Thanks for being my date Lindsay! (Even though you were wearing a cardigan... so conservative)

Today is going to be as uneventful as they come. I have lots of school work to do before Desperate Housewives comes on! Im hoping to be able to go visit Chris for a few hours too. Dont get me wrong, I love hanging out with friends, but I felt like I didnt get any alone time with him this weekend except for a quick lunch and to go grocery shopping.

Also, I know Mardi Gras is coming up in the next few weeks, but after all that craziness has passed, I want to get a big group of friends together and go shoot pool, or go bowling or something that we can all do together!

Have a good lazy Sunday everybody.

1 Day till Valentines
12 days till Inca
20 days till MOT
31 days til our Rock Climbing/Spelunking Trip


Susie 'Bleeding Heart' Social Worker

It really really pisses me off when people tell me I am not going to make a good Social Worker because I am "too emotional" or I care "too much." Would you tell a Medical or Nursing student not to be a doctor or nurse because they wont be able to save/cure everybody? No. So why are emotional problems so much different than physical? And Jesus Christ, what kind of Social Worker would I be if I went into the field not giving a shit about people? Seriously.
Social Workers come with this stigma attached. I feel like when I tell people my major, my career goals I have to defend myself, and thats bullshit. I want to get out there and prove that social workers CAN make a difference. They can help. I just wish people would focus on what good they do, instead of the cases they miss. I want to be a part of changing the stereotype associated with social workers. & Im going to do it.


The Best Things In Life

(This has the potential to be a long or rambling postt, if you want to just read something exciting, skip to the bottom, I'm saving the best for last!)

First of all, over the last few days Ive discovered that my long-time favorite lipstick has been discontinued. For those of you who know me, I'm [in]famous for wearing red red lipstick, I have as long as I can remember. Its Maybelinne Wine, and I'm obsessed. However, when I went to buy it I saw "CLEARANCE" which excited me, until I realized that A) My color was already sold out and B) This "Clearance" is code for "Discontinued." So, now I am on the search for a perfect replacement. Bare with me these next few weeks as I dabble in lip colors. (I know to some of you this is so stupid, but my God, when I find something I love, I stick with it!)

Also, I am finally getting back into my work out routine. Yesterday I got up before class and did 30 minutes on the elliptical, played racquetball for 45 minutes, then did a 45 minute work out on the treadmill. I was pretty happy with that. And this morning before work I got my lazy ass to the gym and did a 45 minute cardio work out on the stair stepper, jogging a mile and on the elliptical. If anybody is interested in being a work-out/accountability partner. Please let me know. I work out on MWF from 6:45-7:45 and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:45-7:45 or from 9-10. Also, Id love to go on the weekends, and I can go just about any time.

 THIS IS THE EXCITING PART  (I was going to save it for last, but I couldnt wait)---->Yesterday was an amazing day! After I got out of class, Chris and I had lunch at Panera. Then we WENT TO LOOK AT ENGAGEMENT RINGS! And I'm not talking about "lets-appease-Whitney-and-take-her-to-the-damn-jewelry-store", Im talking about "Im-thinking-of-ring-shopping-soon-so-I-need-to-know-what-you-want" kind of looking! And....We found the most BEAUTIFUL ring! & We both loved it. You have no idea how hard I am refraining from posting pictures. But (obviously) I dont know if that is the one he is going to buy (even though I hope he does). So I want to wait till it is on my finger before I start getting too excited. ((Well, too late))
But it was a good experience for the both of us. We both enjoyed going, looking and learning together. God, I love that man so much. I know its not the ring that matters, its not a wedding, or a dress, or any of that. It's about the life we have together and I know I am the luckiest woman alive.

(Back to the lame stuff) After ring shopping we hung out at the house for a few hours and played with Mobley. Then we went to Ollies with Bailey and Emilie for dinner. I was really excited about Two For One Tuesdays (BOGO Hookahs!) But in the middle of dinner I realized I was SO tired. So we didnt even finish the first hookah before we left.

The next few days are busy busy. Tonight after work I have to go to a meeting about our Spring Break climbing trip. & Tomorrow I have class ALL day & Mobs has an appointment at the groomer- He has to get ready for his date with Linds Friday night!!

& Speaking of Friday, I am really pumped about having a few people over for dinner and games. I would love to get a giant table one day so we can invite all of our friends at one time, but this time Its just going to be a few couples that have cooked for us the last few weekends. 

I dont think life could be any better at this moment! I hope everyone reading this is having as good of a day/week/year as I am!


Spray & Wash

Doesnt it always seem like the Friday through Sunday moves at twice the speed as the rest of the week? Ugh. I cant believe its already Monday. But, we had a great weekend, so it's all good. :)

Friday night, after I got off work, I ran home, scooped up Mobs and we went to see Chris at work. We didnt really get to do anything except lay around and watch Netflix, but I was thankful for the little extra time we got to spend together. I love staying up there, but it is awfully crowded with the three of us in a single bed. (Please, try to picture that right now. Chris, me and mobley [with Mobs in the middle] trying to sleep in a single bed, hillarious)

Saturday was super busy, but so much fun. When Chris got off work we took our time getting dressed, eating lunch, and running a few errands. Around 3:30 we headed to Chris & Sarah Shuttlesworth's house to grill out and watch the fights. Let me just say, I love hanging out with these people, I laughed so freakin hard. We played a dance game on x-box, and none of us have any rhythm. Justin would like to argue that he is the best dancer ever, but he should have seen himself. We took a break from dancing for the girls to gossip and the guys to cook some steaks before we watched the fights. I learn so much about my friends every time Im around them, its really incredible. But seriously, we had a great time. Thanks for having us over!! One of these days, Chris is actually going to be off when the fights are on, and we are going to have people over to our house!

Sunday was also a good day, except for the fact that Chris had to go back to work. It's always hard having him leave, especially when me & Mobs are still cuddled up in the bed. But, I am so thankful he works his ass off to provide for our family. Im so lucky <3
Sunday afternoon I drove down to my parents house. And let me just say, I know I have a wonderful family. My dad is so sweet. When I told him I needed to go get gas before the Super Bowl party, he took my car and filled it up for me. & My mother is absolutely histerical. I really should go visit them more often.
We all went to Marsha & Fred Walding's house for a superbowl party. God, there was so much food. I actually had a blast. I had to tell Kim that I washed her check that she gave me for Mardi Gras tickets. Opps... She said "DAMN GIRL! You gotta tell Big John:" Um, FUCK THAT. He is GIANT. If you dont know Big John, I will provide a picture. (His arms are bigger than my legs... I love taking pictures with him, he makes me looks skinny! haha)

But, even though he is a giant, giant man, he is also one of the nicest people I know.  I ended up being his "Bar Maid" the whole night, and I earned the nick name "Spray & Wash" Whatever. It was worth it not to have him mad at me. :)

So the weekend flew by, but it was such a good one. Now its Monday and I am so unmotivated to do anything. Last night I packed up my stuff to go to the gym before work, but I didnt quittte make it. I was doing so good, but I got way off my schedule over the last part of last week and the weekend. But some how I did manage to find 15 minutes to tan before work. Oh priorities.

I guess I should actually do some work. Have a good Monday!



So it has recently been brought to my attention that if I had a blog, it might be interesting to read (Thanks Alisa) because I get fired up over dumb shit and want everyone to know my opinion. ((Oh, this should come with a warning attached. I have a terrible mouth, Sorry Mom, so if you're reading this, and offended, just stop reading. Its all meant in good fun!))
I thought Id just give a little recap for those rando's who may be stalking me right now, and practice my first blog!  Lets start 3ish years back.

In December 2007 I met the love of my life, Christopher Lee Newman. We met at a party playing beer pong; we were "Team Fuck You Up" and we won the beer pong tournament. I was 18, he was 26. He was teased mercilessly. Poor Chris. That year flew by, I went to my first Mardi Gras Ball,  I moved out of my parents house and started college at USA. Chris and I took our first vacation that year when we went to Atlanta for my birthday.  Here are a few pics from our Six Flags, Georgia Aquarium Vacation. Please note that I was BEYOND excited, & Chris looks like he is about to shit in his pants. This was the first time Chris had ever been on a roller coaster. Priceless .

Well, the year ended well. We celebrated our first anniversary by going to play with baby tigers at The Little Zoo That Could in Gulf Shores.
2009 was a great year too. That was the year we moved in together and bought our beautiful home.
Im sure a lot of other good things happened in 2009, but mostly I was just insanely excited about buying this house.

2010 has been the best year of my life so far. In January we took a cruise to Mexico.

In February we got our sweet sweet baby boy, Mobley. I literally cannot remember what life was like before Mobley. I love that little man with all of my heart. 

The rest of 2010 was spent making great memories with friends and family. Highlights include: My 21st birthday, Various Outings With Friends & Celebrating our 3rd Anniversary.
Also notable in 2010 if you are going to keep up with whatever garbage I post on here is the death of our friend Chad. After our annual Halloween Party, our friend Chad went home and took his own life. Attending his funeral, speaking to his parents, and dealing with life after this tragedy has been the hardest thing Ive ever dealt with in my life. I say this because it is inevitably going to appear in my posts, I still think about Chad literally every single day. Please enjoy my favorite picture ever of Chad. (Love you & miss you, buddy!)
So now here we are over a month into 2011. Life is moving at an insanely fast pace. Chris is working a shit ton of hours and is also in school. He will graduate this Spring, YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! & wants to apply for Medical School.
I am also working, significatly less hours, and I am going to school full time.
Mardi Gras is RIGHT around the corner & I could not be more excited!!! We are going to the Inca Ball with Alisa, Justin, Eddie, Karleen, Lindsay & Pat. Then the next weekend Chris will be riding the in MOT's and we will be going to the ball with SUZY, Justin, Alisa, Eddie, Karleen, Linds & her date, Bogdan, Monica, Corey, JaNae & both of our familes. I CANNOT WAIT to throw down!
Im also looking forward to spring break! Normally this would just be a week where I work full time and dont actually get any kind of 'break' but this year Chris and I are going on an "Outdoor Adventure" A group from South is going to North Alabama to go Spelunking, Rock Climbing & Hiking for 3 days. Im pretty freakin pumped!
I would write about how much fun this weekend was, but I think Ill wait until after the Super Bowl Party tonight before I give a weekend update. HOWEVER, I just cannot wait to post this video. I like to call it "Alisa Takes a Tumble"

Happy Super Bowl Sunday Everybody!