
Bad Day

If a doctor told me right this minute that I needed a hysterectomy, I wouldnt second guess it. I would do it. Right this minute. I am in so much pain I feel like I am seriously dieing.
In between screaming and tears, I told Chris that today. He looked at me all sad and asked if thats what I really wanted... Of course I dont want that. I am just so over being in pain from my ovaries. And what sucks the most is that when the physical pain is gone, the emotional pain hits me like a ton of bricks. I hate knowing that there is something wrong with my body... something I cant fix. I hate that whatever is wrong could prevent me from having children one day. I want kids, WE want kids. Not any time soon, but that doesnt make it any easier to deal with.
UGHHHHH I just want to scream.

Other than today, these past few days have been great. I've gotten to spend a lot of time with Chris, and we've been really working hard together to lose weight. We've been eating right, for the most part, and working out every day. I love the feeling when we finish a work out together. I feel so accomplished. And it really helps to have somebody do it with you. For example, the other day Chris and I worked out at Cottage Hill Park. I got to pick half of the work out and Chris picked half. For my work outs, we went to the baseball field and sprinted the bases, and at every base we stopped for 25 jumping jacks. After that we ran 10 sets of stairs, did 25 squat jumps up 2 stairs, and found a hill and did lunges up the hill 5 times. Chris decided on a jog for the last part of the work out. Neither of us are 'runners' but it was such a GOOD start!! When we were running the trails Chris kept pushing me. He'd say '30 more yards! Come on!' and at one point I started to stop and he yelled "You can hear the cars, we are almost to the end! KEEP GOING!" And I did. And when we finished I was so proud of both of us.  It wasnt a long work out, only 45 minutes, but I felt amazing afterwards.
We are also doing our own "boot camps" at home. Basically we are doing work outs that build muscle and keep your heart rate up at the same time. We welcome all of our friends to come over and join us whenever! Next work out is going to be around 9-9:30 on Thursday! Just bring a big ass bottle of water!
I'll end on a positive note since the first half of this blog was a giant rant- in the last 4 weeks, I've lost 12lbs! I never really denied myself of food, I just ate better and worked out. If you want to see exactly what I did, I have a whole (boring) blog about it- here.


& We're Gonna Get Married!!!!

This week I changed Chris' ring tone to Chapel of Love (even though there is zero chance we will be getting married in a chapel). But I love that song. & every time he calls me it makes me SMILE. & I get it stuck in my head. I know you are going to want to hear this song after this, so, enjoy...

Weekly Recap

This past week has been one of the best ever. First, Suzanne moved back to Mobile!! I was so thrilled that she was home! She came over Tuesday night and hung out with me till around 1130. I am so so happy for Suzanne and all of the AMAZING stuff that is going on in her life right now. &&&& She agreed to be my MAID OF HONOR!! I am so lucky to have her as my friend!
Wednesday Chris and I spent with his friend Matt, who came in town from Oklahoma. & I got an AMAZING new camera. (I broke ours the day we got engaged. I was so excited, I dropped it on the concrete...)
The rest of the week was fairly uneventful. Until the weekend, that is...


I started my weekend with Alisa & Janae at boot camp. I am so happy with my decision to use Bodies by Cindy. They kick your ass into shape. & I think the most important thing I've learned is to push myself. My trainer told me I could do an hour half assed work out and not get results, or I could bust my ass for 30-45 minutes and shed this weight. I like the way he thinks. & HOLY CRAP, Janae looks AMAZING! She said shes already lost 22lbs. It was motivating working out beside her. Im also excited that Alisa went with me to boot camp. I know we are both working to get in better shape, and its always good to have a friend to do it with.

Engagement Party
For the last several weeks, my parents have been planning us an engagement party. We requested a laid back BBQ, with some close friends and family. My parents did such an outstanding job with this party. It was more than we could have ever asked for or expected. Everything was decorated nicely, and the food was amazing.

But the best part is, we had 30 of our closest friends and family celebrating our love! It was a truly special day that I hope I never forget. Here are some of my favorite pictures!

Lauren & Windy signing the guest book
This practically describes the whole day.

This one is going in a frame.

Nana & Pappy

Me & Mom
Mom's advice for the bride & groom to be "SLEEP NAKED"

Gail, Chris & Fred

UMS-ers. (High school friends)
Suzy & Drew
Alisa & Justin
Me & Dad

 Windham, Me & Lauren

My future HUSBAND!

Ben & Alicia

Okay, sorry there were SO many pictures. I couldnt decide which are my favorites. We had a really good time at our party. Thank you so much to everybody who came to celebrate with us! (Especially Erin- she drove all the way from Auburn to come!!)

We had a really good day Sunday, too. Chris didnt have to be at work until 12, so we were able to sleep in and at least have breakfast together. I love it when I get a few extra minutes with him.
After Chris went to work, I headed to Ben's grandmothers house, where Ben had planned a surprise party for Alicia. They are the nicest couple! I love them. I hope Alicia had a good time at her party!! I had to leave early, I was exhausted, and still needed to run errands and tidy up my house.
Around 6 though, after a nice little nap, I went to Justin & Alisa's house for craw fish! I've been craving them for like 2 months. Im glad I finally got my fix.
& Last night I just hung around the house, watched some Army Wives & passed out early. It was a packed out weekend, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Other stuff
I said earlier I was happy with Bodies by Cindy. They really push me, and make me push myself. So this morning I got up ass early before work and hit the gym. I would consider myself a terrible runner.... awful. I hate it. But this morning I was extremely motivated to start. & everybody has to start SOMEWHERE. So I had a nice workout of walking for a minute and running for a minute for 20 minutes. Hey, its a start. I was proud of myself for even trying. That is more than I would have been able to say a few weeks ago.

Also, now that we have had our Engagement party, it's time to seriously start planning!! We have another appointment to look at a venue on Tuesday, so we will just have to see how it all goes! Im excited!


Graduation Weekend & My First Paddy's Experience


Friday night Chris and I went to dinner at Felix's with a group of people from his EMS classes. It was a really nice dinner, too! I had seared Ahi Tuna that was PHENOMENAL! Oh my god, I could eat it for every meal every day. Plus I was super excited that I got a few extra minutes with Chris.


GRADUATION DAY! Chris has known that it was coming for months. He chose not to send out invites, or announcements. He called and told his family on Thursday. Needless to say, there was not much planning that went into Graduation on Chris' part. When we went to get dressed Saturday, Chris realized that he did not have any pants to wear. We hauled ass to Belk and found him a really nice pair of pants and a nice yellow tie. I also go the CUTEST mustard colored dress!

Once we were dressed, Chris dropped me off with Mimi so we could meet up with Mike for some lunch before the commencement ceremony.
Being a smart girl, I packed a few things to keep me busy during graduation, like Scrabble on my iPod. This seemed like a perfect idea.... until I MISSED CHRIS GETTING HIS DIPLOMA. I kept listening for 'Myron King', because I knew he was listed right before Chris. Good plan, except that Myron didnt walk.... so all of a sudden I hear "Christopher Lee Newman" and I was like SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! And I grabbed the camera, but by the time I got it turned on he had already gotten his diploma and was walking across stage. I am a terrible girlfriend fiancee.But I am SO proud of him.
After the ceremony was over, Mimi, Mike, Fred, Gayle and I met up with Chris for some pictures.

After a hundred pictures, we headed to Paddys to meet up with Brandi & Danno. Most of you know that I have this vendetta against Paddy O'Tooles. Im pretty sure at one point in my life I decided I would never step foot in that place. I know way too many skanky girls that hang out up there. But I decided, WHATEVER, it's Chris's graduation, its early, and I was ready for a drink.


My experience at Paddys deserves a section of its own. Danno made me a really really strong Madress, but it was delicious. I practically inhaled it. One drink in and I had a gooood buzz. 2 drinks in I decided that I had to have a "cat picture" with Danno. Im not really sure why, but I was adamant that there would be a cat picture... Please enjoy...
We were "throwing our paws up, baby".
I also met new friends. Like Jeanette. She is really cool. After my 3rd drink, I decided I was going to do a cartwheel. And CHRIS was like "Yeah, do a cartwheel!" Thankfully, my new friend Jeanette was looking out for me. She did not let me do a cartwheel.

Then there was Ross... Ross had a whale on his shirt. After 3 drinks, I thought it was hilarious. So I took a "fish picture" with his whale shirt....Ross was quite the trooper.

Shortly after the fish picture, it became more and more apparent that I was shitfaced and probably needed food. Chris and I went to Mama Goldbergs, drank a ton of water, and went home. But I think, overall, my Paddys experience was a decent one.


Im not really sure how, but somehow we got recruited to help build a shed at Fred's house at 9 AM Sunday morning. When I got down there, I realized that this was no longer a "shed" it was more like a barn...
This bad boy is 2 stories high. Claude has built it with basically no help from the ground up... with no plans. They are just 'winging it" Oh Jesus.

We left Fred's around 1, and went back home. The rest of the day we spent grocery shopping and getting ready for Chris' soccer game. I love that Chris has a hobby that he can participate in, but going to a soccer game that starts at 7, and doesn't end till after 9 just doesn't excite me. So i stayed home and did laundry. (Not that laundry is more exciting that Chris' soccer games, but hey, it had to be done)

Nothing else interesting happened this weekend, except one conversation I had with Chris... and you probably wont think it's as funny as I did, but Im going to leave you with it anyway.

Me: Gayle wants to know what you want for graduation. I told her I wanted to get you a nice frame for your diploma, and she said that if i didnt want to do that, that they would.

Chris: Dad probably doesnt know that frames are about $250.00

Me: Yeah, I mean, but why would he want to do that when he could buy a frame at Hobby Lobby for like $5?

Chris: You know, that would be his logic. He would be like "Son, I got you a frame for your diploma. It didnt quite fit, but I trimmed it up for you..."

AHAHAHA. I died laughing. Have a good week everybody.



FINALS ARE OVER!!! Yay summer break!!

I am THRILLED to tell everybody that I have a 4.0(!!!!!!!!!!) this semester! I know this is not a big deal to all of my smart friends, but this is the first time in college that I've come out with a 4.0 GPA. I've been close before, but never quite made it. And it wasnt because I took easy classes either. I worked my ass off this semester and it paid off. Imagine that. Maybe my parents were right all along :)

I am also so proud of Chris. I mean, Im always proud of him, but Im especially proud this week. After a decade and some change in school, he is graduating!! (Chris also had a 4.0 this semester, but this happens like every semester for Chris... Damn smarty pants!)
I dont know how he keeps up with work and school the way he does, but I love him for it. I am so lucky to have such a hard working, driven, fiance!
To celebrate his graduation, his EMS instructors have planned a dinner tonight at Felix's. Im excited about meeting some of his class mates, and seeing his instructors again. Chris has one instructor, Gary Varner, that I love dearly. He always makes me smile. So dinner tonight should be a lot of fun! (And if its not, Oh well, Im going to have a glass of wine anyway!)

This week has had some other high points as well...
On Tuesday I went to dinner with Vicky. This is the second time in the past few weeks that I've been able to meet up with her. Its really nice rekindling our friendship. We sat and talked for over 2 hours. It was almost like we never drifted apart. I hope that we can continue working towards rebuilding the friendship we used to have.
& Last night was the night that SUZANNE MOVED BACK TO MOBILE!! Ah I love Suzy SO much and I have missed the shit out of her this last semester. Im glad shes home, and home to stay! I didnt get to see her, because she is spending the weekend with her mom and boyfriend at the beach, but I am practically counting the hours until I can see her Monday... or Tuesday.

As far as wedding stuff goes...
Chris and I looked at the Mobile Museum of Art yesterday. I really had my heart set on MMA. I love it, it's so beautiful! It has everything I want there! (No church, no gym, no tacky carpet) BUT with all of the 'hidden costs' (read: Alcohol, & Security costs) we have to really sit down and decide if that is what we want. As of now, I want it. I LOVE it, but I am now open to any suggestions. & By "Any" I mean anywhere indoors that is not a church, or a gym and that does not have ugly carpet.
I know we will figure everything out. We have plenty of time... But thinking like that is so logical. IM EXCITED AND READY TO PLAN!!!! As soon as we get through the engagement party, Im going to turn into a planning diva. Yall get ready!



End of the Semester

This week is the last week of school! I have two exams this week, but then I will be done for the summer! Well, at least until July. I cant wait for it to be the weekend already. CHRIS IS GRADUATING SATURDAY!! I am so proud of him. He has worked really hard to do well in school and work an insane amount of hours.

As far as last week went, it was mostly work.study.study.study.work.study.work. But we did get to have a really nice dinner with Alisa, Justin, Eddie & Karleen at Felix's. Lindsay was the one that put the dinner together, but unfortunately her car broke down on the way. :( We had so much to celebrate- Alisa's birthday, passing boards, and job offer. Chris' graduation. & Our engagement. We had a really great time. It seems like it has been such a long time since we've hung out with our friends. (I guess that's what final exams and final papers will do to you).

Saturday morning I went with Mom to another Bodies by Cindy boot camp. Good lord. It was so hard. I kept telling myself that it will be worth it in the end! I am still sore today. Very Very Very sore. On the bright side, I guess that's a sign that I got a good work out!
The rest of Saturday was mostly spent writing papers, but I did take a break to have lunch with Lindsay and take her to pick up her car.

Sunday, Mothers Day, I went to my parents house for lunch. Mom cooked. If any of you know my mother, you know that she isnt very good in the kitchen... Lunch was good, but... when I got home, I was SO sick. I called her and asked her if anybody else was sick. She said no, so I told her to check the salad dressing. I made a salad, but only ate like 3 bites because it tasted weird. Well, apparently, the dressing had expired in April... of 2010. YUCK. She said next year we will just go out to eat; that sounds perfect to me.

On a happier note, I have lost 7.6 lbs! & I am still motivated. Im going to sign up for boot camp starting next Monday. I cant wait to start!

As far as wedding stuff goes- we havent made much progress on anything this week. We have both been too busy with school stuff. But I do think that I like Navy Blue & Mustard Yellow our wedding colors, but we will see.
Also, we are going to try to go look at the Mobile Museum of Art on Thursday as a possibility for our reception.
Oh & one more thing. I am looking at possibly hiring a photographer for our engagement party for like an hour to get some candid pictures of us and our friends & family. (& maybe a few posed ones too?) If anybody knows of a good, reasonably prices photographer, please let me know!!


Fit to Wed

I kind of thought nothing would change after we got engaged. I figured we'd go about our same old same routine, except for the fact that I'd have this (BEAUTIFUL!) ring on my finger. But I couldnt have been more wrong.

Chris has been excited beyond what I ever imagined. I love him so much. He is the most caring, handsome, wonderful man I have ever met. I am so happy he is the one I get to spend the rest of my life with. This week has been one of the best weeks ever. Chris is so excited about getting married. I kind of thought he would be like "Okay, we are getting married. Do whatever you want and tell me where and when to show up". Again, I was wrong.This week he ordered me iDo Wedding Planning software so that I can keep track of all of our guests, important dates, gifts, thank you cards, RSVPs, seating charts, etc. I cant wait to get it in! He's also spent hours of time researching different venues online for me to look at. He bought me a organizing binder, and a GIANT wedding magazine. I love the fact that he is so excited about this.

Saturday we drove to Pensacola to look at Palafox Wharf for our ceremony and reception. The place was beautiful. It had a great deck, upscale facilities, a huge bar & a very very helpful wedding coordinator. The only downsides were that 1. the dance floor was small and 2. it might be a pain for our family and friends to drive to Pensacola. For now we've decided to try to find a place in Mobile & use Palafox as a backup plan. But the trip definitely wasnt a waste. We had our first wedding venue experience. & We also got to stop by the Tanger Outlets & the Eastern Shore Center to look for my engagement party dress.. even though I didnt find anything. It was so nice just to be able to be out of Mobile for the day. & More importantly it was nice to spend the day together.

Chris isnt the only one excited though. My mom & grandmother are out of control already. On Tuesday around 11 I talked to my mom about an engagement party. By 3:00 that afternoon mom had a party planned. By 9:00 that night the invitations were ordered and the guest list was finalized. By the way, we are just having a very small, adult party with our families and close friends. (Read: mostly people who are going to be in our bridal party) Regardless, my mom has already planned "Signature Drinks." I told her that would be unnecessary since we are only inviting like 25 people, but she's excited. & Im happy that she is excited. In fact, yesterday she called me after church & said "I saw a 'Southern Miss. Mom' bumper sticker today. I thought 'That could have been me, but then we wouldn't have Chris'... Im glad everything worked out the way it did." It made my heart smile when she said that. Im so happy my family loves Chris & is excited about making him an official part of our family.

I am BEYOND excited too. I cannot wait to marry my best friend. I am also motivated to look my best on my wedding day. I figured, if I dont make some changes now, I may never do it. So I started a new blog, called "Fit To Wed" I plan to  write about my diet & fitness goals each week. Hopefully having a public food journal will encourage me to eat better & stay on track.

But as thrilled as I am to be planning our wedding. Im trying to just take it slow right now. I have 2 weeks of classes left, and then school will be out. After that, let the planning begin. But until then, NO STRESS!

I hope everybody has a great week! & Sorry this was completely consumed with wedding stuff...Ill try not to do that in every post!