
Better Than You

Back story: I ran into a girl I went to elementary school with on Saturday night. While we have never been friends, we have never had a problem with each other (to my knowledge). But on Saturday night, she made an extremely rude comment to me. I was so taken back by her abruptness I didn't know how to react. Ive had a few days to think about it, and here is my response.

      You told me the other night that I "thought I was too good". Im not quite sure what you mean by that. Maybe you dont know, but I am going to school for social work . As a social worker, I am going to fight a life long battle for the equality of ALL people, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or social class. I have been blessed with an open heart & open mind & the belief that all people deserve the same fundamental rights. I will never stop believing that.
     Maybe you have the impression that I 'think Im better than you' because I've been lucky in life & lucky in love. Maybe you said that because I am an educated, independent young woman with a strong personality, and a zest for life. But that doesnt make me better than you, or anyone else. We are both human beings and should be treated as such. You should never let anyone tell you that they are better than you. & I sincerely hope you dont go around with the idea that you are better than someone else.
   But let me tell you something, when you make rude, harsh comments like that, it absolutely makes me kinder than you. I am also CLEARLY more appreciative than you, and I have a better grasp on life.
  I hope one day you learn to appreciate the life youve been given. I also hope one day that you find a love like mine. But before someone else will love you, you have to love yourself. I suggest you find a way to love yourself that doesnt involve putting others down.
   So no, I dont think Im better than you, or anyone else for that matter. But I do love my life. I appreciate every day. & No one will ever be able to take that from me.
