

Even though I really missed throwing our annual Halloween party, I had a blast celebrating this year!

On Thursday night our kickball team had theme week! We were superheroes!
I love my team so much! Even when we lost, my team was still in good spirits... well, kind of. We had a great time making fun of the other team. Normally, I would not jeer the other team, but this team was AWFUL to play. They were SO serious! & didnt dress up for theme week. They were SUPER intense about kickball. Jesus guys, give it a rest.. its KICKBALL. Not that serious. It is OKAY to have fun!!

After kickball, we went to Bojangles. Not that Im a big fan of Bojangles, but we actually did have a really good time.

Me & Chris
Doing the Cupid Shuffle!
Chris & Big Show. (Yes, you are seeing that correctly. Big Show isnt wearing any pants... )

On Saturday, Lauren & I picked out her bridesmaids dress! I love it! (Her actual dress will be navy).

I slept for a good portion of the day & then got ready for the Inca Halloween party & Copper Light at The Garage! I was go glad Chris got off work to celebrate! We both had a BLAST at the Inca party hanging out with Sarah & Chris Shuttlesworth, Leigh Ann, Curtis, Justin, Mark & Jenn!! I wish Alisa could have stayed longer! (Boo, work!)

After the Inca party, we went downtown to hear Kyle & Albert's band, Copper Light, play at the garage! They were SO good & we had a blast downtown. & as a BONUS I got to eat a cow tongue taco. GOD I LOVE THEM! & Suzy came & hung out too!

It was a good Halloween. Now I've got to get ready to hang out candy tonight to the Trick or Treaters!! Happy Halloween!!


Cow Says Moo. SlutSaysWhat.

Thursday: Worst Day Ever
     Jesus Christ. I had another HORRIBLE day on Thursday due to my lovely PCOS. I was in my French class with about 25 minutes to go when I tried to leave. (I was dieing) & My professor decided that, not only could I NOT leave, but she was going to embarrass me in front of the whole class. Sorry French Class for giving you every detail of my life, but apparently thats what our Prof. wanted...  I will spare YOU the details, but when I left I was so IN PAIN, pissed off & humiliated that I cried all the way to the doctors office. Thankfully my sweet mama met me, picked me up, and took me to her house so I could take a pain pill & a nap.
     Also, I found out today that my Professor told the whole class after I left that I could be out killing someone and that I would try to use her as an alibi.... Well, lady, you have a pretty wild imagination. Im pretty sure Ive never killed any one. And just in case I got accused of it, I would certainly use the nurse at the doctors office to cover my ass. So fuck you. Bitch.
Friday: Best Day Ever?
I am thankful that Friday made up for my shitty day Thursday. Chris was off work & we had a perfect day. I cant really think of anything specific that made the day THAT good, but we were both in good moods & we had no other distractions. No school work, No work work, No meetings. Nothing but quality time together.
We did go to the mall & I got an early birthday present! New Versace Sunglasses!! &&& I got my watch fixed!!
While we were still at the mall, I started having pain again. & I carry my pain meds with me, but that usually doesnt do me any good because I cant take them and function. I certainly cant drive, or work or think, or speak in logical sentences. But I decided to take a pain pill anyway and just ride in the car while Chris picked up his check and ran a few errands. I attempted to have a conversation with Alisa at some point in time, but I was kind of out of it. Im not really sure what we talked about.
When we got home, Chris and I played Yahtzee to determine which wedding invitations we would order. In our house, thats how we make any important decision that we cant agree on. We play a game. Winner gets to make the final decision.
It was actually pretty nice because during Yahtzee Chris "won" a 30 minute back massage for rolling 2 Yahtzees, and got to plan the rest of the night for having a higher over all score. I got to pick our wedding invitations because I won 2 games out of 3. (Well technically I only won 1 out of 3, but we tied on 1. And according to Chris all ties default to Mobleys Mama.)

Saturday: Wedding Planning
Saturday morning I met Alisa, Lindsay & Mom at David's Bridal to check out bridesmaids dresses. I was pleasantly surprised that it was a very painless shopping experience & both girls found something that they loved!
This is exactly what Lindsay's dress will look like! LOVE IT!!
& Alisa's will look like this except Navy. It looks SO good on her!!

After DB we went to lunch,  & DSW, and Mom and I went to the mall to get my birthday presents. Wheee new make up! I spent the rest of the day scrap booking with Mimi & going over wedding details & budget with Mom & Dad. Im pretty close to almost not going over budget ;)

Sunday Funday
I spent all day Sunday cleaning, doing homework & working out. P.S- 5 Hour Energy works, but its super nasty & if you drink it at say, oh 4:00, you will not be able to sleep. Period.

Monday: Best Day Ever, Again!

Warning: Not appropriate for work, children or anyone else.
But really, Monday was AMAZING. First of all, I spent the best $17 of somebody elses money that Ive ever spent! (Thanks, Chris) I mean really THIS was a great investment....
Its theme week for Go Kickball & our team's theme is Super Heroes!! Im literally in love with my costume. I kind of want to wear in it public more than once.
I went to class, and then WE WENT TO THE FAIR! I LOVE the fair. Like more than is normal for a person to love a trashfest. I cant help it.
My favorite part was probably the petting zoo... or maybe the corndog... or the Fireball... Ill stick with petting zoo...

After we did the petting zoo twice, Suzanne & Drew met up with us. We rode a bunch of unsafe rides & ate a bunch of fattening food. But we had SUCH a good time. Here we are on the CRAZY MOUSE. It was actually kind of craaazzzayyyy.
It was a good day. :)

Now counting down until Thursday when Chris is off again & we get to play kickball in costumes!!


Tickled By a Stranger: My Skydiving Experience

I cant WAIT to share my skydiving experience with you guys, but so much else has happened in the last few days, Im going to start with Thursday.

Thursday night we had kickball & the team we played WAS undefeated! We won 4-0!!! It was a really exciting game. But I think the highlight of the game was when I did a complete split... I did not even know I was physically capable of doing a split, but it happened. I was running from 2nd to 3rd and the grass was wet... Sean was yelling at me to "slide" but I thought he said "stop". But when I tried to stop, my feet kept going. I tried really hard to keep one leg on the base, but I ended up just doing a split and sliding off the base. I immediately tried to reach back and touch the base, but the ball hit me & I was out. It was still a pretty good play though. Here is my depiction of what happened... Enjoy :)
After Kickball our team went to Los Rancheros to celebrate another win. It was an amazing night out. & As much as I wanted my "own" team of just our friends, I am SO thrilled about the team we have. We all play really well together. But more importantly I have really enjoyed getting to meet some new friends. :)

....was pretty uneventful. I did get to go eat dinner at Purple while Suzy was working. That was nice. But that was the only thing exciting about Friday.

Saturday AM
Saturday was AMAZING. Chris got off work early and we met at Nana & Pappys house at 7:30 and headed for Lumberton, Mississippi to go SKYDIVING!! My uncle Casey was in town this weekend & has been wanting me to go skydiving with him for quite some time. & I have wanted to go SO bad, but something always came up. This weekend I made sure we could go! Chris went for moral support but refused to jump. (Chicken. ;)- just kidding- Im glad he went)
Once we arrived everything went so quickly and smoothly. I was SO excited to be there... & at that point, I wasnt nervous at all.
After I got all suited up, it was on! I was so ready... Heres me and Casey before.

When we got the call to load the plane, I found my tandem instructor & practically ran to the plane. I was the first one in! Casey got to go on the same flight & jumped right before me.

Okay, now this is when I started to freak out. I knew we were going to jump at 14,000 feet. 65 seconds of free fall at 120 miles/hour. We were going to be in free fall for 2 miles. Awesome. I was good with all of that. But when we reached about 5,000 ft on the way up, I started to PANIC. I realized that in my excitement I didnt tell Chris, or anybody else for that matter, that I loved them. & I hadnt talked to my parents all day. I was almost in tears.
I think my tandem instructor started to sense that I was getting tense. He tried to make me feel better by tickling me.. but I did not like that at all... If you see my video youll see me make the weirdest face. Its a face you make when you are tickled by a stranger. Anyway. Once we got past that, I I started to relax a little more.
When we reached 14,000 feet we got ready to jump. We made our way to the front of the plane and didnt jump, but flipped out. It was incredible! I cant really describe what it was like, except that it was unlike anything Ive ever done. I didnt get that feeling in my stomach like I do when i ride roller coasters. It was just kind of, I dont know, amazing!! Here are some pictures of my skydive...
& Once we landed, I was ALL smiles.

If you have an extra few minutes and want to watch my skydive video, here it is...

Thank you, Casey, for taking me! I had such an amazing time! I cant wait to do it again!!

Saturday PM
After we got back from Lumberton, Chris and I got ready for football! We got dressed & went to Buffalo Wild Wings with Brandi, Leslie, Bogdan, Mike & Nicole to watch the Alabama and Auburn games.
After the Bama game was over, we all headed to Camilla to go bowling. Suzanne, Ethan, Alisa, Justin & Brittany joined us too. But Bogdan, Brittany & Alisa didnt bowl. We had a blasty blast right up until the cops got called... well maybe they werent ever called, but once I threw my shoes it was time to go home.
This has been an incredibly long blog so far, so Ill keep this story short. The bitch that worked at Camillas cut our game short. The game ended when we had only bowled 7 frames. I asked her to cut the game back on and she told me No because we had too many bowlers.... I was pissed because it let us bowl 7 frames.... why was it cut off then? & So I asked for a refund for the portion that we didnt get to complete. She said no. I was super pissed & drunk at this point. So Ethan asked if we could just finish our game. No. She bitched some more. So I took off my shoes and not-so-politely tossed them in her general direction. After that it was time for us to go home.
To those of you who were with me- Im sorry I was such a bitch. But I had a great time up until our game got cut off! We need to do it more often... and Ill be nicer :) To those of you who are randos reading this- I dont usually act like that... To everybody else- It was kind of like how people act at Mardi Gras once they get mad, there is no turning back. (*cough* Chris)
I still think that we got ripped off, but Im glad Chris made me leave. Because Im not going to lie, it crossed my mind to get all of the bowling balls and place them in the gutters. I guess it wasnt worth getting arrested. But that would have been a (bad) story later. "Have you ever been arrested?" "Yes" "For what?" "Throwing my shoes in a bowling alley" Classy.

I cant remember when the last time I've had such an eventful weekend was. But Im glad we got to spend some time with our friends & I got to do something Ive been wanting to do for a very long time! (Skydiving, not get in a fight in the bowling alley...)


Throw in the towel or Wipe the sweat off

For some reason this morning I work up super motivated to get back into the good habits I had formed... After I hit the 30lb mark, that I worked SO hard for, I kind of fell out of trying as hard. It became way easier to order something fried, or go to Starbucks. (DAMN those delicious Pumpkin Spice Lattes... they are so addicting). Plus I stopped keeping a food journal.
So as of this morning, I am back hitting the gym hard. I have new goals & a new attitude about it. I set the background of my iPod to this...
& I set the "lock" screen to this...

Good motivation for the gym! :)
I would like to lose 11lbs before the end of the year. I was 3 lbs closer to my goal last week. Id love to say Im carrying water weight, but its probably more of the muffins, tacos, and Pumpkin Spice lattes, Pad Thai, Pizza, etc. I've been eating.  But Im doing something about it. Here are my goals:

Week 1:
    1. Work out 5 times this week
    2. Complete week 1 of Couch to 5k
    3. Keep a food journal
    4. Increase Water- CUT OUT Iced Tea, & Anything from Starbucks
    5. Make better food choices. Nothing fried. Lean meats

Wish me luck... or better yet, correct me//yell at me when I do something wrong... Being pissed off makes for an excellent work out :)


Date Days

I love the days I get to spend with Chris. I mean, I love going out to dinner or curling up on the couch for a movie, but I like it more when I can make a whole day out of it. :)
We had a date day on Friday that was fantastic! Since Halloween is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER we decided to go paint some platters. I was a little sad when I found out the pottery place we went to shut down, but Chris drove me by there anyway to see what took its place.
I was SO excited to find PrissPot's Pottery! When we went in, the place was SO cute. The walls are all different colors & it was decorated nicely. Plus, we were greeted by a 10 month old Shih Tzu. His name was Mattie. I loved him instantly... and he loved my scarf. So I picked out a big plate/platter & Chris picked out a candy bowl & we started painted. Well, I started painting. Chris sketched for over an hour. He was really deep in thought about it.
After about 2 hours, I finished my plate..
I cant wait to see it after its been fired! After I was finished painting and Chris had just gotten started, I played with the dog, made friends with the owner & her mom, and her grandmother, helped fold some brochures ..... Annnd, wait for it.... Got a Saturday job! Whee. I am so excited. A few Saturdays a month Im going to work at PrissPot's Pottery from 10-6. It is a really really fun thing to do as a date night, or a family thing. I love having the pottery afterwards, but what is really fun is spending time together creating something. -Actually one night Id really like to have a girls night there!
After almost 4 hours, Chris finished his bowl. & I LOVE it. I think Im more excited about seeing his after its finished than I am mine!
Everything about this picture makes me smile. We're dead, drinking, & Chris's depiction of Mobley makes me laugh every time. Go check out PrissPot's Pottery on facebook!  We had a great time!!

The only other exciting thing we've done lately is register at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I thought I was going to go CRAZYY! But I really contained myself. I also tried not to register for all of the ridiculously over the top shit. For example, there was this one pillow that I really liked, but WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND BUYS $90 pillows? I registered for the $15.00 pillow. I mean, we registered for the stuff we wanted, we just tried to keep it reasonable. & We didnt register for a whole lot. Mostly because I want our 'main' registry to be HoneyFund. ((Which is an awesome little website that you tell your guests what you want to do on your honeymoon & they can give you money for activities they choose.)) Because we mostly have everything we need for the home. :)

Hope everybody has a great week. & if you dont have anything to do on Thursday night at 8:00 come watch us play kickball! We are going to win and then go to Bojangles! (At least, thats the way its playing out in my head..)



So my mantle was looking a little rough. I decided to do a little make over. Here are some pictures of what I've been working on...

Before... (Basically a storage shelf)


Im not sure where I got the idea, but I bought the letters to spell our names & little shelves at Hobby Lobby. I cut newspaper into strips and glued them to the letters until they were completely covered.
 & I spray painted the shelves black.

Then I hung the shelves on the wall...
Then I realized that it was kind of blank. So I added an 8x10 picture, and 2 5x7 pictures. Im also going to put 3 4x6 pictures above Chris's name but Wal*Mart was out of the matching 4x6 frames. (Sad)

I think it looks pretty good! Im pretty happy about it!