
Turkey Trot, Iron Bowl & Bubbles

Turkey Trot
Its not very often that I do something that I am really really PROUD of myself for. I think the last time I can say I legitimately was super proud of something I did was when I made a 4.0 last semester. ((Ill probably never see THAT again; it was a monumental moment in my college life)) But on Thanksgiving Day, I did something I was proud of again... RAN my first 5k!
On Tuesday I basically forced my sister to sign up with me, so she spent the night on Wednesday & we got up BRIGHT & EARLY on Thanksgiving to do the Run for Hope. I have to admit, I was so anxious I couldnt sleep. But the morning of, I was just excited & ready to get started. We decided to run the whole thing together & push each other. We made our first mile in 9 minutes, and the second in 18:35. The last mile was the hardest, because it was mostly uphill. But when I saw the finish line & I saw the time on 29:30-something I was about to cry. We sprinted to the end & our "official" time was 29:45. I was so happy I cried... then puked. (probably from the yogurt... hindsight bias- that was a bad breakfast choice).
Here we are after the race- I am completely aware that I look like t-total-shit.

I've worked really hard over the last 8ish weeks to get ready for a run. I've almost completed the Couch to 5k program & I've already purchased the Bridge to 10k app! I never thought Id say this, but I like running! I cant wait to sign up for my next run & work at improving my time!

After the run, I completely blew what little motivation I had to continue my so called diet. I gained 5, FIVE, pounds over Thanksgiving. Unacceptable. But it was TOTALLY worth it. God I love food. Plus it was really nice being able to see my family.

Iron Bowl
I love the Iron Bowl. I love getting all of our friends & family together. I love the food, the camaraderie and the jeering of the other team. This year was particularly fun. We had the Iron Bowl party at our house & everybody brought a TON of food. We also played the traditional shot game: at the beginning of the game you declare which team you are pulling for. If the other team makes a touchdown, field goal or interception, you have to take a shot. This year, the Auburn fans had it rough. I wish I had recorded each shot they took, because one of Chris's toasts was certainly one for the books. It went something like this:

Me: *hands Chris a shot* Okay, Say Roll Tide!
Chris: No! Im never saying that...
Mom: Okay, well say 'Fuck Bama' and take your shot.
Chris: *Drunkenly sways* Okay, guys.... We are going to toast to FOOTBALL & even though Auburn is losing, we still have Bama Bitches making our drinks!

Oh Chris... when are you going to learn social skills? Haha. His friends made fun of him all night, and tried to tell him that you SHOULD NOT refer to your future mother-in-law as a "bama bitch". But it was all in good fun. My family still loves him. :)

After Bama whipped ass, most of our friends still stayed for a little while to hang out. Suzanne & I decided to set up a hookah, and turn on some music when Misty said "Have you ever blown hookah bubbles" & then the night became one of the best ever.
I had never heard of hookah bubbles before. But apparently when you exhale the smoke, you just blow it into a bubble wand. Then the bubble holds the smoke until it pops. Holy.Shit. Best. Idea. Ever.

However, Misty told me this little gem of information, I didnt have any bubbles. So, impromptu bubbles it was- Suzanne & I made bubbles with Bath & Body shower gel, water & we used miscellaneous items to blow the bubbles. Some of them included: an apple corer, a rotel can, baby dixie cup, blue solo cup, & wire ornament hangers.

 As entertaining as it was to watch us make a mess with fake bubbles, Alisa was like THE BEST FRIEND EVER and got us real bubbles. ((Suzanne & I also went to the Dollar Tree & bought more shit to blow bubbles with- a recorder, a spatula & a paddle ball))

I also have two really good videos of our bubble blowing shindig. They are both short, and probably worth watching. Especially the first one. God, we are so weird.


I Just Wanna Marry You

OHMYSHIT. The wedding is like 6 months away. I am slightly (completely) overwhelmed. But, I am also excited beyond belief. I've been excited from the moment Chris got on one knee, but I am getting more and more and MORE excited every day. I cant wait to be his wife ;)

Plus, Im knocking shit off the 'to-do' list almost daily. For example, I ordered wedding napkins! I realize that this is trivial, but it still had to be done. I also decided, FINALLY, on wedding invitation wording. & Im planning on ordering invites SOON.

My mom and I went to the florist last week & ordered our flowers! I was slightly stressed about the flowers, but Belle Bouquet made it easy. & Im getting exactly what I want: Simple, Modern & Classy.

But I have to say I am most excited on finally deciding on our Honeymoon!! We will be leaving the Thursday after our wedding to fly to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. We are going to be staying (somewhere) for 4 nights. While we are there we are going to be doing a bunch of activities through Iguana Mama. Our first full day we are going to go white water rafting. The second day we are scheduled to go mountain biking all day, even though Im trying to get that changed to deep sea fishing. & The 3rd and last full day we are doing something called "The Big Bastard" (its the canyoning supremacy tour if you are looking on the website under "Waterfall Tours"). Its a canyoning/waterfall/climbing/rappelling/donkey ride tour that lasts all day. ISERIOUSLYCANNOTWAIT! That tour is the reason we are going to Puerto Plata at all.
After Puerto Plata we are going to fly to Punta Cana & stay at the Hard Rock Punta Cana for 5 nights. If you have talked to me in the last week, chances are you know how PUMPED I am about staying there. Its like my dream resort. We havent decided exactly how we will be spending time in Punta Cana, but after our stay in Puerto Plata I can guarantee that it will include relaxing by the pool, and a massage or two.

Ive said it before & Ill say it again and again- I know its not about the wedding, its about the marriage. But I am thankful for my parents, grandparents, and friends who are all helping to make the most special day of our lives as perfect as it can be. Love you guys! <3


30 Things Im Thankful For

Every year there is a movement on Facebook starting November 1st to list something everyday that you are thankful for. I would try this, but I know that I would either get annoyed with it, or forget after day 5... or maybe day 8. So I thought I would just list 30 things that I am thankful for in one giant blog. Enjoy.

1. Chris
      I am so thankful that I met Chris (almost) 4 years ago. It was a completely random meeting. We had no friends in common, we didnt go to the same school, or play common sports. It was a chance meeting that changed my life forever. I am so grateful that I am going to marry the greatest man I have ever met. He is so kind and caring; he is ambitious and goal oriented; he loves his family and values each and every friend he has. I could not imagine my life without him. I love him with every ounce of my being.

2. Mobley
(If even one person comments that Mobley is not, in fact, a person, I will punch them in the throat). I cannot remember what life was like before I had Mobley. I do remember rolling over at 4 am one morning, waking Chris up and saying "Baby, I just had a dream that we are going to get him a dog and name him Molbey or Neil" Chris grunted "Im not naming my dog Neil" and went back to sleep. A few months later, Mobley came into our lives.
I am so lucky & thankful that I get to curl up to my furry baby every night & am woken up by his kisses every morning. I am one proud mama.

3. Mom
I am so lucky that I have such a sweet mom. I am thankful for the amazing relationship that we have & all she does for me. I also feel especially thankful for her chatting with me on my drive home almost every afternoon.
4. Dad
I have the best dad in the world. I am truly grateful for everything you do for me. ((Paying for my gas gets you super bonus points, Dad)) My dad is laid back, hard working, and has a great sense of humor. Thank you, Dad, for everything, especially not freaking out and or killing me or Chris when you found out how old he really was...

5. Lauren

I am also incredibly thankful for my sister. I am excited about having the opportunity to grow closer with Lauren this year as she helps plan & participate in my wedding. I am so proud of her & cant WAIT to come visit at Alabama next year!!

6. Joshie
Ohhh Joshie. I am thankful for you because you make me laugh every time I talk to you. Shit, I laugh just hearing stories about you. I also love the fact that you stress Mom out about as much as I do. Youre my favorite brother (and Im sure Im your favorite sister... sorry Lauren).

7. Mimi, Nana, Pappy & Maybe Elton.
   I was given 3 wonderful grandparents (and one sub par grandparent) that I love very much. The three that are reading this, you are the great ones. :) I am thankful everyday that I have such an amazing family.

8. Suzy

Oh dear god, WHERE would my life be without Suzanne. ((Ill give you a hint, its probably in the shitter somewhere)) Suzanne is the most kind, loyal friend I could ever ask for. She is honest, and HILARIOUS and as weird as I am. I wouldnt have her any other way. I feel like my life is better because she is my friend.

9. Alisa

I am so glad I have found a friend in you, Alisa. Im glad we got over both of us being such strong willed individuals and decided to become friends. I truly value our friendship & cannot wait to have you support me and stand by me on my wedding day. I know we will be friends forever.

10. My Happy Life
Everyone has their days, but Im certainly glad that Im able to see the glass half full most of the time. It must be miserable to live life always being negative.
11. All of my Friends
I am thankful for all of my friends and the joy that each one of you brings to my life.

12. Education
You can tease me all you want about going to a stuck up high school, but I am extremely thankful for my education. I OFTEN look around my college class rooms & think that I was much more prepared for college that some of my peers. I am thankful for not only the foundation I got through high school, but also for my college education.
Thank you Mom & Dad for sacrificing & working your asses off to give me the best education possible.

13. Open-mindedness
I am thankful for the vast array of people that showed me somewhere along the way that it is okay to be different. I am eternally grateful for all of those who showed me what it was to be open minded & accepting of people who are different from myself.

14. Being Silly
Im thankful for silly days & silly friends. I cant imagine what my life would be like if I was serious all of the time.

15. Health
Even though I have some fertility & PCOS problems, I consider myself to be in great health, and for that, I consider myself very lucky. When I am tempted to throw a pity party for myself, I have to remind myself that it could always be worse.

16. Home
I feel extremely blessed to have such a beautiful home to provide shelter, warmth, AIR CONDITIONING & a place to lay my head at night.

17. Food & Clean Water
I am also grateful to live in a place, and be in a place in my life that I am able to access nutritious food, and clean water. There are so many people all over the world that do without these essentials.

18. Good Sheets
Say what you will, but good sheets are essential. Im thankful for my comfy bed, my memory foam pillow & nice sheets.

19. Clothes... Well, mostly Spandex
Not only am I thankful for clothes to physically protect my body, but I also enjoy fashion. Im grateful for the heals that make my legs look killer, the spandex shorts that make my butt look awesome, the jeans that make me feel pretty & the Spanx that make me look thin.

20. Job
I am lucky I have a job, especially a job that works so great with my school and personal schedule. I know most people dont have it as good as I do at work, and for that I am so thankful.

Frivolous Things
21. Make Up
Maybe there are other things that are way more important things, but that does not mean that I am not extremely grateful for good make up. I would be a walking crisis every single day without red lipstick, eyeliner & a good tube of black mascara.

22. Music
It would be a boring world without music. Music is a part of every aspect of my life. I listen to it getting dressed, driving in the car, working out, doing homework, during work, while Im cleaning. I cant think of much I do without a little music to inspire me.

23. Facebook
Whether I am thankful for Facebook because I like keeping up with my friends, or because some people's statuses make me feel good about myself is debatable. But regardless, I am thankful for facebook, and all the drama that comes along with it. I cant help it. I love that shit.

24. Kickball
I love kickball. But more than actually loving kickball, I love meeting new people, having a blast, taking a break from school and work, and having a hobby that Chris & I share together. I love my kickball team & am thankful for them

25. Books
Maybe this should be listed under essentials, but I am so grateful for good books. There is something about being surrounded by books & knowledge that is empowering & somehow overwhelming. I just want to absorb all the knowledge and life lessons from each and every one.

26. Laughing
 Today, I am grateful for this article. & This...
But mostly I am grateful for laughing every day.

27. Photos
I am always thankful for photos. I love looking back at old pictures and remembering experiences and being able to vividly remember when they were taken and what was going on. 

28. Internet
My life would be miserable if I had to call Pizza Hut and actually ASK what their specials were every time I wanted to order a pizza instead of just googling it. I would not do well in a society that I had to wait 7-10 days for a response in the mail instead of waiting 4 or 5 hours for an email. & HOW did people stalk before facebook? & GOD forbid I actually step foot inside a library to do RESEARCH. Needless to say, I am thankful for the Internet

29. The impending wedding of my dreams
While I am MOST thankful that I am marrying Chris & I FULLY realize that its not the WEDDING but the MARRIAGE that matters, I am still thankful for my parents, and grandparents helping to make the biggest day of my life one that I will never forget. There isnt going to be a detail that has been overlooked, and I cannot wait to see it all come together. (212 days to go, just in case you were curious)

30. My Planner
Again, maybe this should have gone under essentials, but I dont know what I would do without my planner. I love being on time and scheduling out my days. I like planning to make the most of every bit of time I have. I know it makes me slightly anal retentive, but I love my organized life.