
To My Sister

To my sister:   I am so proud of you, and so lucky to call you my sister. I cannot believe it's time for you to move away to college. College has been one of the best experiences of my life; I hope you enjoy every moment of it. So before you pack your last suit case, load up the car, and start your life out on your own, I hope youll read this letter. And I hope it brings you comfort and strength.

    College is about so much more than finding your career path. Even though, I hope you find something you love and something you are passionate about. But more than that, I hope you find who you are. I hope you find out what defines you. Cheer leading, sororities, late night parties- they come and go. But leadership skills, your heart, your passion- they stay. And they will be invaluable to you for the rest of your life. Take time to nurture them and help them grow.
    I hope you make good grades, and take some hard classes. I hope you stay up all night trying to finish a paper. But I also hope that you stay out too late and still make your 8 am class.... or sleep in.
   I hope that you mess up sometimes. Because when you are out on your own, you'll have to learn how to fix your mistakes. You'll come out a stronger person because of it. And when you are knee deep in papers, falling asleep at your desk, I hope you take a deep breath ((and a coffee break)) and remember You will make it. Its just a test. Its just a paper. Its just a grade. They do not define you.
    I hope you eat Ramen noodles. You'll suddenly appreciate all those time Dad made fillets.... Hell. You'll even learn to appreciate taco night. ;)
    I hope you learn to cook. And I hope you find the perfect balance between having the body of your dreams and eating a giant greasy burger with fried onion rings on top.
    I hope you push the boundaries. I hope you experiment. Believe me, after college, there arent many opportunities to see how many jello shots you can finish in one sitting. Be smart, Be safe, and learn your limits. Have fun.
    I hope you make many new friends, and still make time for your friends from high school. I hope you let people in. I hope you have real relationships with people. Those are the ones that last. Dont get caught up in following the crowd.
I hope you learn to do more than tolerate people who are different than you. I hope you learn from them, and accept them. I mostly hope that you'll go into this experience with an open heart, and an open mind. Give people a chance. Many will surprise you.
    I hope you learn something about faith- about your own faith, about other's faith. I hope you question what others believe, and listen and learn with open ears and and open heart. And even if you dont agree with what they have to say, I hope you still love them like you do your brothers & sisters in Christ. I hope you question what you believe. I hope you seek answers. & I hope that it makes your faith only grow stronger. I hope you find that Science & Religion can coexist.
    But more than anything else, I hope you learn. I hope you learn in the classroom, and far beyond it. I hope you are never afraid to ask questions to better understand. Or to challenge what you are being taught. Speak up. Engage. THATS how you learn...
    But I hope that isnt enough. While I do hope you graduate in 4 years, I hope you are never satisfy your desire to learn.
   I hope you experience happiness in its purest forms. I hope that, over the next four years, you do something for someone that they can never repay you for. I hope you are active on campus, and in the community. I hope you get involved with something meaningful, and feel like you are apart of something bigger than yourself.
   I hope you love every minute of college! Its going to be such a wonderful experience. I cant wait to hear all the stories you have when you come home. And speaking of that- Dont forget to call Mom every once and a while. And not just when you need to know how to turn on the stove, or when you're out of money. She's going to miss you more than you know.
    I love you, LaurLaur.
