
Pre-nup Planning

Okay so before anybody freaks out, we are definitely not signing a prenup. First I have no intent of ever getting a divorce (assuming we ever actually get married :p) and secondly, what would we fight over? Who gets Mobley on the weekends? Im thinking it would just be a whole lot easier, and happier, for us just to stay together forever. HOWEVER, For my Marriage & Family class we have to develop a prenup with our partners this week. I dont know how much Chris is going to enjoy doing this, but I've already had a lot of fun putting some thought into it. It really makes you examine every aspect of your relationship. And while I dont think its necessary by any account, I do think it'll be a good exercise for us. When we get it all finished Ill let yall read it and see what you think. :)

On another note, we had a really good week and weekend. Friday I stayed home and got caught up on some cleaning and laundry.
On Saturday, Chris and I just hung around the house for most of the day. It was good to have a lazy day- after going, going, going for the past 2 months it was much needed. Saturday evening we went to The Sportsman (probably the trashiest place Ive ever been.) Its basically a metal building in the middle of the woods- but they serve really really cheap alcohol. Chris ordered a Bud Light and a Madress and it was $5.25. So guys, if youre ever counting pennies and have to get out of the house- go to the Sportsman. But invest in some Febreeze- youll leave smelling like an ashtray. Oh well, Im glad we got to spend some time with Robert, its been too long since we've hung out with him.
After leaving the Sportsman, we went to Crooked Martini to meet up with Lindsay and her date, Brett. He seemed really nice, and we had a good time just relaxing and having a few drinks with friends.
On Sunday, I got to have lunch with my parents at Peking. It was like I was the only child :) Lauren was having her senior pictures taken & Josh was probably somewhere causing trouble with his girlfriend.
                                                    My favorite of Laurens Senior Pictures!
Anyways, Mom started telling me about this weird dream she had about somebody messing up her sheets- she dreamed that somebody put fruitloops in her bed and crunched them up. (Weirdo) It reminded me of something that happened to me Thursday night. I am a neatfreak, much like my mother; anyway, every night before bed, I have to get all of the wrinkles out of the sheets or I cant sleep. On Thursday, I was in a weird mood, and I ran and jumped into the bed, and slid my hands across the sheets. The goal here was to get all of the wrinkles off of my side. But when I slid, I STUCK MY HAND THROUGH THE SHEETS. If you got lost, let me rephrase. I ripped a GIANT hole into our 1000 count, Egyptian Cotton sheets... Fantastic. As I was telling my mom and dad this story, they started laughing, seemingly at me, until my dad looks at me and goes "Really? I did the exact same thing last week." WHO DOES THAT?! Apparently, only me and my dad. Maybe its genetic :)

I know this blog is already all over the place, but stick with me, I only have like 2 more things to say.

1. I almost got abducted by a creeper at Foosacklys. After I got back from the dentist this morning (and my entire right side of my face was numb) I was picking up lunch for my grandmother. And some old, bald man told me I was really pretty and asked me where I was going "all dressed up." Um, I was wearing sweatpants first of all. And secondly he got into a PLAIN WHITE VAN. To me, that just screams Bad News Bears. Chris said he probably got my tag number... so if I go missing, it was probably the bald man that drove a white van and likes girls with muscle movement in the left side of their face. Also, seriously, if I go missing, Im wearing black sweat pants and a green shirt. I wont change my clothes until somebody rescues me.

2. Chris has the most brilliant idea ever today. We were talking about our plans for Easter and he suggested an Easter Egg Hunt for Mobley! Okay, please, imagine how over the top I am anyways, and add that to the fact that I love my dog more than I do anything else in the whole world. I CANNOT WAIT! I am going to hide little plastic eggs filled with goodies all over the yard! Its going to be adorable. Im going to take like 1000 pictures, or invest in a camcorder. Now Im really excited about Easter. PS If Chris asks any of you what he can get me for Easter, I really need a new pair of flip flops. & PSS- Sorry you look like a Cat Mobley...

1 comment:

  1. Mobley is 100% a cat in this picture. Get it together, Whitney.

    I love your little drawings though. Hilarious!

    Also you totally need to post the prenup, I'm intrigued!
