
Cow Says Moo. SlutSaysWhat.

Thursday: Worst Day Ever
     Jesus Christ. I had another HORRIBLE day on Thursday due to my lovely PCOS. I was in my French class with about 25 minutes to go when I tried to leave. (I was dieing) & My professor decided that, not only could I NOT leave, but she was going to embarrass me in front of the whole class. Sorry French Class for giving you every detail of my life, but apparently thats what our Prof. wanted...  I will spare YOU the details, but when I left I was so IN PAIN, pissed off & humiliated that I cried all the way to the doctors office. Thankfully my sweet mama met me, picked me up, and took me to her house so I could take a pain pill & a nap.
     Also, I found out today that my Professor told the whole class after I left that I could be out killing someone and that I would try to use her as an alibi.... Well, lady, you have a pretty wild imagination. Im pretty sure Ive never killed any one. And just in case I got accused of it, I would certainly use the nurse at the doctors office to cover my ass. So fuck you. Bitch.
Friday: Best Day Ever?
I am thankful that Friday made up for my shitty day Thursday. Chris was off work & we had a perfect day. I cant really think of anything specific that made the day THAT good, but we were both in good moods & we had no other distractions. No school work, No work work, No meetings. Nothing but quality time together.
We did go to the mall & I got an early birthday present! New Versace Sunglasses!! &&& I got my watch fixed!!
While we were still at the mall, I started having pain again. & I carry my pain meds with me, but that usually doesnt do me any good because I cant take them and function. I certainly cant drive, or work or think, or speak in logical sentences. But I decided to take a pain pill anyway and just ride in the car while Chris picked up his check and ran a few errands. I attempted to have a conversation with Alisa at some point in time, but I was kind of out of it. Im not really sure what we talked about.
When we got home, Chris and I played Yahtzee to determine which wedding invitations we would order. In our house, thats how we make any important decision that we cant agree on. We play a game. Winner gets to make the final decision.
It was actually pretty nice because during Yahtzee Chris "won" a 30 minute back massage for rolling 2 Yahtzees, and got to plan the rest of the night for having a higher over all score. I got to pick our wedding invitations because I won 2 games out of 3. (Well technically I only won 1 out of 3, but we tied on 1. And according to Chris all ties default to Mobleys Mama.)

Saturday: Wedding Planning
Saturday morning I met Alisa, Lindsay & Mom at David's Bridal to check out bridesmaids dresses. I was pleasantly surprised that it was a very painless shopping experience & both girls found something that they loved!
This is exactly what Lindsay's dress will look like! LOVE IT!!
& Alisa's will look like this except Navy. It looks SO good on her!!

After DB we went to lunch,  & DSW, and Mom and I went to the mall to get my birthday presents. Wheee new make up! I spent the rest of the day scrap booking with Mimi & going over wedding details & budget with Mom & Dad. Im pretty close to almost not going over budget ;)

Sunday Funday
I spent all day Sunday cleaning, doing homework & working out. P.S- 5 Hour Energy works, but its super nasty & if you drink it at say, oh 4:00, you will not be able to sleep. Period.

Monday: Best Day Ever, Again!

Warning: Not appropriate for work, children or anyone else.
But really, Monday was AMAZING. First of all, I spent the best $17 of somebody elses money that Ive ever spent! (Thanks, Chris) I mean really THIS was a great investment....
Its theme week for Go Kickball & our team's theme is Super Heroes!! Im literally in love with my costume. I kind of want to wear in it public more than once.
I went to class, and then WE WENT TO THE FAIR! I LOVE the fair. Like more than is normal for a person to love a trashfest. I cant help it.
My favorite part was probably the petting zoo... or maybe the corndog... or the Fireball... Ill stick with petting zoo...

After we did the petting zoo twice, Suzanne & Drew met up with us. We rode a bunch of unsafe rides & ate a bunch of fattening food. But we had SUCH a good time. Here we are on the CRAZY MOUSE. It was actually kind of craaazzzayyyy.
It was a good day. :)

Now counting down until Thursday when Chris is off again & we get to play kickball in costumes!!

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